Monday, October 22, 2012


Insomnia merupakan ketidakupayaan untuk tidur, atau ketidakupayaan untuk mendapatkan tidur yang secukupnya. Jumlah waktu tidur yang diperlukan oleh seseorang bergantung kepada umurnya. Bayi-bayi dan kanak-kanak memerlukan waktu tidur yang lebih lama berbanding warga tua. Jumlah tidur yang diperlukan oleh warga tua adalah sekitar 4-5 jam berbanding dengan orang yang lebih muda yang memerlukan 8 jam.


  • Kesukaran untuk tidur.
  • Tidur yang putus-putus atau resah.
  • Kerap bangun dari tidur pada waktu malam.
  • Bangun pada awal pagi dan kesukaran untuk tidur semula.
  • Menjadi letih, mengantuk dan mudah tersinggung pada siang hari.
  • Tekanan dan kerisauan
  • Ketidakselesaan persekitaran sekeliling yang tidak sesuai untuk tidur – misalannya, bising dan kotor, sejuk atau panas.
  • Persekitaran baru – cth : Berpindah ke rumah baru.
  • Nokturia (kencing pada waktu malam) – biasanya didapati pada warga tua disebabkan oleh     penyakit-penyakit seperti penyakit kelenjar prostat atau kelemahan otot-otot pundi kencing.
  • Sakit pada penyakit-penyakit tertentu.
  • Dicetus oleh ubat, misalannya alkohol dengan cepatnya akan menyebabkan tidur yang pendek, tetapi terdapat insomnia berbalik.
  • Pemberhentian pengambilan ubat-ubat tertentu, seperti agen hipnotik.
Apa yang boleh dilakukan oleh anda
  • Menjadikan persekitaran tidur lebih selesa.
  • Mengadakan masa yang tertentu untuk tidur.
  • Elakkan terlalu banyak perkara yang menguja sebelum tidur.
  • Elakkan tidur yang sebentar pada sianghari.
  • Elakkan minuman yang beralkohol atau yang berkafein sebelum masuk tidur. Di
  • sebaliknya, ambil minuman bersusu.
  • Bersenam selalu pada waktu siang 3-5 kali seminggu tetapi elakkan senaman sebelum masuk tidur.
  • Jika anda tidak tidur dalam masa 20 minit, bangun dari katil anda dan duduk di bilik yang lain sehingga anda terasa mengantuk.
  • Baca sebuah buku yang membosankan.
  • Dengar muzik yang lembut.
  • Runding dengan doktor anda, jika masalah ini berterusan untuk banyak hari atau
  • mengganggu aktiviti harian anda.
  • Ambil ubatan seperti agen hipnotik untuk insomnia hanya jika dipreskripsi oleh seorang doktor.
Apa yang boleh dilakukan oleh doktor
  • Memeriksa anda dan mengenalpasti punca masalah.
  • Memberi rawatan mengikut apa yang dijumpai.
  • Pempreskripsi ubat – tablet tidur, jika perlu.
  • Merujuk untuk penyiasatan selanjutnya, jika perlu, kepada seorang ahli psikiatri.
  • Hidup dengan gaya hidup yang sihat dan jangan kehilangan tidur kerana memikirkan ketidakupayaan untuk tidur.
Sumber : e-farmasi

Satu lagi penyakit ganguan tidur tapi malang saya hanya mempunyai artikel berbahsa inggeris....saya akan berusaha mencari dan mengedit artikel tersebut ke dalam bahasa melayu
Fatal familial insomnia (FFI) is a very rare autosomal dominant inherited prion disease of the brain. It is almost always caused by a mutation to the protein PrPC, but can also develop spontaneously in patients with a non-inherited mutation variant called sporadic Fatal Insomnia (sFI). FFI has no known cure and involves progressively worsening insomnia, which leads to hallucinations, delirium, and confusional states like that of dementia. The average survival span for patients diagnosed with FFI after the onset of symptoms is 18 months.
The mutated protein, called PrPSc, has been found in just 40 families worldwide, affecting about 100 people; if only one parent has the gene, the offspring have a 50% chance of inheriting it and developing the disease. The first recorded victim was an Italian man, deceased in Venice in the year 1765.
The age of onset is variable, ranging from 18 to 60, with an average of 50. However the disease tends to prominently occur in later years, primarily following giving birth. The disease can be detected prior to onset by genetic testing. Death usually occurs between 7 and 36 months from onset. The presentation of the disease varies considerably from person to person, even among patients from within the same family.
The disease has four stages, taking 7 to 18 months to run its course:
The patient suffers increasing insomnia, resulting in panic attacks, paranoia, and phobias. This stage lasts for about four months.
Hallucinations and panic attacks become noticeable, continuing for about five months.
Complete inability to sleep is followed by rapid loss of weight. This lasts for about three months.
Dementia, during which the patient becomes unresponsive or mute over the course of six months. This is the final progression of the disease, after which death follows.
Other symptoms include profuse sweating, pinpoint pupils, the sudden entrance into menopause for women and impotence for men, neck stiffness, and elevation of blood pressure and heart rate. Constipation is common as well.

In late 1983, Italian Neurologist/Sleep expert Dr Ignazio Roiter received a patient at the University of Bologna hospital's sleep institute. The man, known only as Silvano, decided in a rare moment of consciousness to be recorded for future studies and to have his brain harvested for research in hopes of finding a cure for future victims. As of 2012, no cure or treatment has yet been found for FFI. Gene therapy has been thus far unsuccessful. While it is not currently possible to reverse the underlying illness, there is some evidence that treatments that focus solely upon the symptoms may improve quality of life.
It has been proven that sleeping pills and barbiturates are unhelpful; on the contrary, in 74% of cases they have been shown to worsen the clinical manifestations and hasten the course of the disease.
One of the most notable cases is that of Michael Corke, a music teacher from Chicago, Illinois. He began to have trouble sleeping almost immediately after his 40th birthday in 1991; following these first signs of insomnia, his health and state of mind quickly deteriorated as his condition worsened. Eventually, sleep became completely unattainable, and he was soon admitted to the state hospital. Medical professionals, at first unsure of the nature of his illness, initially diagnosed multiple sclerosis; in a bid to provide temporary relief in the later stages of the disease, physicians induced a coma with the use of sedatives, to no avail as his brain still failed to shut down completely. Corke died in 1992 a month before his 41st birthday, by which time he had been completely sleep-deprived for six months.
One patient was able to exceed the average survival time by nearly one year with various strategies, including vitamin therapy and meditation, using different stimulants and narcoleptics and even complete sensory deprivation in an attempt to induce sleep at night and increase alertness during the day. He managed to write a book and drive hundreds of miles in this time but nonetheless, over the course of his trials, the patient succumbed to the classic four-stage progression of the illness.
In the late 2000s, a mouse model was made for FFI. These mice expressed a humanized version of the PrP protein that also contains the D178N FFI mutation. These mice appear to have progressively fewer and shorter periods of uninterrupted sleep, damage in the thalamus, and early deaths, similar to humans with FFI.

diharapkan anda semua dapat menghebahkan penyakit ini walaupun sehingga 2005 hanya 29 kes sahaja yang dilaporkan di seluruh dunia....secara ringkasnya, penyakit ini merupakan penyakit berkaitan gene dan sehingga sekarang masih belum ada penawar untuk mearawat pesakit ini....Pada dasarnya penyakit ini lebih kuat diwarisi oleh generasi yang terlibat tapi kita sebagai manusia hendaklah bersyukur kerana kita semua tiada maslah untuk tidur tapi bagi peaskit ini FFI  mereka menemui ajal kerana mereka tidak cukup tidur......fikir-fikirlah.....

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