Monday, May 18, 2015


It been recorded historically over 4,500 years ago by Egyptians and Chinese ancients that this phenomenon occurs at least twice a year (“Myths and Legends Eclipse”, 2012). But people never get bored to see it appears. It was supposed to last a few minutes but it could not have been true. It only seems to last eight seconds (Sperling, 1980). The ancient believes it was a bad omen (“Myths and Legends Eclipse”, 2012). But today, it called an astronomical event happened around the world. It called the eclipse. The astronomer can calculate the dates and paths of future and past eclipses with great accuracy using the astronomical computations. In addition they also can measure the rate of earth spin about it axis over the past millennium that have been recorded by the ancient astrology and astronomer (Milan, 2006). There is much information about eclipse such as it definition, types of eclipse, benefits and side effects of eclipse and mythology about it.
Eclipse is an obscuring of the light from one celestial body by the passage of another between it and the observer or between it and its source of illumination (“Eclipse Geeks”, 2010-2013). Besides that, eclipse phenomenon been saying occur when an object gets in between you and another object and it is also block your view (“StarChild Question”, 1999). It also been supported by Macmillan English Dictionary (2007, p.470) that eclipse is a short period of time because of the positions of the sun, moon and earth related to each other resulting all part both sun and moon dark. Beside that according to Ron Hispschman (n.d) it happens when the moon, the sun and the earth in a position of direct alignment. From the Earth, human kind will experience two kinds of eclipse routinely which are Lunar eclipse and Solar eclipse  and both are related to events that involving three celestial bodies: the Sun (solar), the Moon (lunar) and the Earth (“Eclipse Geek”, 2010). It been stated that Solar eclipse is an occasion when the moon passes between the Earth and the Sun which make  all or part of the Sun cannot be see for a time (Oxford Student Dictionary, 2011, p.223). In addition, a solar eclipse can happen when the Moon state between the Sun and the observer (“Space Science”, n.d.) and considered as solar eclipse when the surface of the Earth is being intersected by the shadow cone of the Moon where anyone can observe this shadow zone. In other hands, lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon and throws dark shadow across the Moon it automatically called lunar eclipse (“Starchild Question”, 1999).
An eclipse can be various in types such as total, partial and annular. There are there types of solar eclipse and the most commonly seen is the Partial Solar Eclipse (PSE). Only a portion of the sun’s surface will be covered during PSE (“Eclipse Chasers”, n.d.). As the moon at its furthest point in orbit, an Annular Solar Eclipse (ASE) takes place (“StarChild Question”, 1999). Actually the Moon’s shadow consist two-coned shaped areas, known as the umbra and the penumbra (“Space Science”, n.d.). Last but not least is the Total Solar Eclipse (TSE). This kind of eclipse happen when the bright surface is completely covered and surrounding the shadow TSE is a PSE (“Eclipse Chasers”, n.d.). Lunar eclipse also has its types itself which are called total, partial and penumbral eclipse. It is been reported that total lunar eclipse occurred on May 16 2003 (Espenak ,2007) where the entire of the Moon passes through the Earth’s umbra shadow. Besides that, when a portion of the Moon across the Earth’s umbra shadows it occurs partial lunar and dark red or rust colour or a charcoal grey may appear on the shadowed portion of lunar surface, but depending on the size of the eclipse (“Types of Lunar Eclipse”, 2004).
Before and after a total lunar eclipse or during the partial phases, a similar visual effect can be seen. Lastly, is a penumbral lunar eclipse when the Moon has to pass through Earth’s penumbral shadow to make this penumbral eclipse appeared (“Different Kinds of Lunar Eclipse”, 2014). This type of eclipse only be seen when at least half of the Moon entered the penumbra (“Types of Lunar”, 2000).
Actually there are variety benefits of eclipse especially solar eclipse. On May 29th 1919 solar eclipse has proven the Gravitational Lensing phenomenon that being predicted by Albert Einstein in his General Relativity Theory (McKie, 2011). Other than that, solar eclipse help human kinds calibrate their universal timing, leading to benefits like Global Positioning System (GPS) by get connection from artificial satellites in orbit to GPS terrestrial stations that are located on Earth (“Solar Eclipse”, 2013). So this mean, even solar eclipse can prevent you from getting lost. Additionally, it gives clues about specific dates and certain historical events when studying the history of solar eclipse and calculating the cycles of modern and future ones (“History and Mythology”, 2006). Solar eclipse make easy for scientist to identify important dates of wars, deaths, and crowning especially for the early ancient like Ancient Egyptian and Ancient Chinese. Furthermore in Radio astronomy field, partial solar are very useful and very important phenomenon of solar storm in details could be study by using Radio telescope (RT s) (“Solar Eclipse”, 2013).  However satellites can be damage and technological development could be harm due to these storms.
Besides that, people nowadays love and waiting to watch this phenomenal to appreciate and to learn more about eclipse. However there are side effects that can danger human health if looked directly to the sun (solar) without proper precautions. Chou B.R. (as cited in Pitts, 1993) found that solar radiation that reaches our earth`s surface have longer ultraviolet (UV) that may lead to “Eclipse Blindness” or retinal burns and some case cataracts as ultraviolet (UV) accelerates aging of eye`s outer layer. In addition, Chou B.R. (as cited from Chou (1981, 1996) and Marsh, 1982) also found that there are no pain after retina is being exposed to intense visible light as it should cause the loss of ability to respond to a visual stimulus, because there are no pain receptors in the retina therefore, people do not feel and knew what actual happen to them. Total solar eclipse actually gives a chance to view the sun safely with naked eye where the moon completely covers the disk of the sun. However moon (lunar) eclipse will not be harmful to the eye, although during partial lunar eclipse, the moon is glowing in reddish copper disk. It seems dangerous but not actually. It was cause by clouds and dust which obstruct the incoming rays from the moon (Al-Kaheel, n.d).
An astronomer, Dr Robert Massey (n.d) in the British Astronomical assembly announced that “we the scientists don`t value this phenomenon, but many people enjoys watching it” he concluded this result after many years of research and studies. That is the reason for many mythologies about eclipse. Once, Malay old folk said the pregnant woman cannot stand outside the house during eclipse, afraid the baby will have two skin tones colour which are half black and half white (Swettenham, 2003). This believes is called a mythology. Mythology is a set of beliefs held by many people although they are not true and a collection of ancient myths, especially those of a particular country and/or religion (Macmillan English Dictionary, 2007, p.990). There are many famous mythologies in the world about eclipse such as from ancient Chinese, Hindu and others.
In ancient Chinese, eclipse is called “Shih”. It mean “to eat”, the ancient Chinese astrology and astronomer describe solar eclipse as the sun has been eaten while lunar eclipse as the dragon attacks the moon (“Total Eclipses”, 2006). It also a sign from heaven about the emperor future, it associated with bad omen that related to natural disasters or deaths in empire family (Al-Kaheel, n.d).

The ancient Chinese will use bang drums and pots to make loud noise to scared whatever was swallowing the sun and the moon to go away and it has been supported by Nancy Maryboy, President of the Indigenous Education Institute on San Juan Island, Washington. The ancient also shoot an arrows toward the sky to scared the animal while back to 19 century, Chinese Navy fired its cannons during lunar eclipse to scare the dragon (“Eclipse History”, n.d). There are many similar myth about the moon and the sun is attack by animal such as the Viking believe a pair of sky wolves chasing both sun and moon (Lee, 2013) while the Inca believe the moon is being attacked and ate by jaguar. The Inca will beat their dog to make them howl and bark (Lee, 2014). Both this myth used same method with ancient Chinese to chase out the animal that attack the moon and sun.
In addition, as the ancient Chinese believe solar eclipse related with the emperor fated. The ancient Mesopotamians saw the lunar eclipse as an assault on the moon. E.C. Krupp, director of the Griffith Observatory in LA, California (Lee, 2014) said they linked everything happen in sky with earth as it would effects the king of Mesopotamian, The representative of Mesopotamian land. He also said they would install a surrogate king to bear the brunt of any attack as the real one will masqueraded as an ordinary citizen, so after the event ended the surrogate king will disappeared and the real king will rule back the kingdom.
Other than that, in ancient India, there is story about demon Rahu, who disguises himself as god to steal an immortal elixir but the sun and moon saw it and report to god Vishnu. He then slices off his head before the elixir pass down his throat as a consequence, Rahu’s head turns immortal but not his body as said by E.C. Krupp, director of the Griffith Observatory in LA, California (Lee, 2013). The ancient believed the demons Rahu and Ketu (Ketu is a priest who save Rahu) swallowed the sun during solar eclipse because they were angry with sun and moon (Kochhar, 2010). They also believed that Rahu and Ketu sucked the life – giving sight and poisoned food and water. So, they will fast and pray when the solar eclipse happen and take bath and cook when it over. Some Indian wills immersing themselves in water as a religious ritual to help sun struggle against the dragon (“Total Eclipses”, 2006).

This ritual still happen today as the last total solar eclipse happen on 22 July 2009 where it passed the hemisphere through India and China where thousands of people took their way through the narrow alleys of the ancient holy city of Varanasi, the Hindu gathered to dip themselves in the Ganges River (Al-Kaheel, n.d).
However not all cultures view an eclipse as a bad thing. Jarita Holbrook, a cultural astronomer at the University of The Western Cape in Bellville, South Africa said “the myth from the Batammaliba people in Togo and Benin is about a fight between sun and moon, the people encourage them to stop and they see it as a time of coming together and resolving old feuds and anger”(Lee, 2014). Other than that, in Islam culture, the prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) said “the sun and moon both are signs of God greatness that do not eclipse for the death or life of anybody even for me and my son”. This is result of an event which related to Ibraheem death, Prophet Mohammad’s son (Al-Kaheel, n.d).
In conclusion, there is much information about how the sun, moon and earth directly align to let the eclipse event to occur. This phenomenal had been discovered and studied by our great ancestors until today, yet there is still unknown reason and effects of eclipse to the earth weather it bring benefits or disasters to humans. While the ancient cultures saw solar and lunar eclipses as a challenge to the normal order of things, which the things that should not be happen is happening as said by E.C. Krupp, director of the Griffith Observatory in LA, California (Lee, 2014). The eclipse is a natural phenomenon that should be appreciated as one of the secret of the galaxy that is yet to be solved.
(2,055 words)


Salam semua dan Selamat Sejahtera kepada yang sudi membaca

kali terakhir saya coretkan cerita di laman ini adalah lebih kurang 2 tahun yang lalu
saya bercerita pengalaman pertama saya di KUPTM KL

Saya ingat-ingat lupa isi kandungannya tapi yang pasti pengalaman yang saya dapat sepanjang 2 tahun kebelakangan ini agak menarik...dipenuhi dengan suka dan duka yang menjadikan siapa saya hari ini.

Sepanjang 4 semester utk Dip. TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language), saya telah lakukan pelbagai pekara yang mengajar saya erti tidak putus asa dan paling penting bersedia untuk segala kemungkinan yang terjadi.

Untuk sem 2 dan 3... secara asasnya saya belajar untuk sesuatu yang saya tak tahu... saya belajar menjadi cikgu, pengkaji dan pelbagai lagi. saya juga mengenali sahabat yang sentiasa disisi saya serta rakan  yang menjadi peneman kita dikala senang dan susah...i`m feeling wonderful to having you as my friends (not to be mention but i know who).

Tetapi cabaran terbesar datang atau tiba kala sem 4..
The best moment in your student`s life. Saya mampu kata, jangan pernah putus asa jika anda telah tiba di satu saat dimana semua yang anda lakukan adalah untuk kepentingan orang lain dahulu baru diri sendiri

Monday, October 28, 2013


Do you know in 1984 there is an Italian man named Silvano with no history of major sleep problem completely lost his ability to sleep and died 4 month later because of fatal familial insomnia? That show, how important sleeps are in our daily life. A deep sleep makes a whole world of difference as it helps the body to recover from the stress and strain throughout the day. Thus, it can safely be said that it is not just a pit-stop for the body from top-to-toe to rest and repair itself. It helps to revitalize the will and sharpen the mind. If a person lack of sleep, it leads to rapid ageing skin, obesity and depression.
Firstly, sleep loss leads to rapid ageing skin. Usually the face of people who lack of sleep look really tired and fatigue, due to puff up eyes, some people look like zombie. For long term affect it also cause lacklustre skin, fine lines and dark circles below the eyes. Furthermore, sleep loss trigger the excess amount of cortisol hormone secreted by its gland. The functions of cortisol hormone dispose the skin collagen which maintains skin elasticity and smoothness. Nevertheless, the negative effect of sleep influences the body to release small amount of human growth hormone as it lead to decrease muscle mass, skin thickness and strength of bone. Therefore, lack of sleep causes uncontrolled release of sleep and growth hormone that prompt skin ageing.
Secondly, the effect of lack of sleep is obesity. Sleep loss seems related to an increase of hunger and appetite. If a person does not sleep at night, it has high tendency to eat more than usual.  According to a study in 2004, people who sleep less than 6 hours a day were almost 30% more likely to become obese than those who sleep 7 to 9 hours daily. The researcher also found a link between sleep and peptides enzyme that regulate appetite. They stated that ghrelin enzyme that stimulates hunger and leptin enzyme suppresses appetite by the signals from the brain. It also stimulates carving for high-fat and high-carbohydrate foods. Hence, sleep loss lead to obesity by disturbing the enzymes release in the brain that controls hunger and appetite.
Next, lack of sleep contributes to depression. Getting a good night sleep is important for maintaining good mental health. Usually people that lose sleep likely to experience low mood and lack of concentration that related to depression. Lack of sleep can lead to mental health problem and vice versa. Survey that conduct by American poll found out that people who were diagnosed with depression or anxiety were more likely to sleep less than six hours a night. Furthermore, the newest study about lack of sleep done to 10,000 Americans discovered those with insomnia was five times develop depression as it makes one difficult to fall asleep. Therefore, lack of sleep effects our mental well-being and arise other health-related issues.     

In conclusion, the lack of sleep arise numerous effects such as uncontrolled sleep and growth hormones. It also related to enzymes release that command hunger and appetite and mental problem. Generally, sleep loss contribute to rapid skin aged, obesity and depression. So, to wind down our body, we can have a light dinner, relax with a book or indulge in a warm bath for a good night rest. Having a good quality of sleep strengthen our body health and make our life wonderful.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Power of word....

don`t let it go...
what your definition about these word...
keep everything just for you or maybe hold it tie from anyone who tried to steal or took it....
or maybe don`t let your feeling goes away....
just thing carefully on what your planning or doing because every job your done has it own reward....

suddenly i remember one story i heard from does has any related with the topic earlier but somehow it came across my mind just know...

there is a story about a man, who has killed 99 men in entire of his live. One day his decides to repeat on his sin. so, he find an old wise man and ask if he repeat, all the sin his made is forgive or not.....the man said no, then the man killed the old wise man. so, he continued searching for other old wise man and he found it...he ask the same question but the answer given was difference....the old wise man said "you must went to the good or nice country on the other sides of world then you will be forgive". then he continue his journey to the country and suddenly he passed away.
what do you think,is the man forgives or not....or maybe did he actually repeat.....????
the story does not end here...his body was being ague between the angel and the devil....both of them agree that he deserves to be bring on heaven and hell...but there is an order to measure the distance he travel in the quest to get forgiveness. if the distance near to the nice country, he will be in the heaven and vice, the measured reveal that his distance to the nice country is about an inchi....the man is place on the heaven and be forgive for his sin......
i`m sorry if the story is simple and does not has any connection with the early part of my post but basically in this story i would like to the power of word can change anything depend on the word meaning...if you say a good word it result good but if you say bad word it result bad....just think wisely before you doing anything... 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Sesetengah cecair boleh membantu menceggah dihidrasi dan melegakan sesak hidung, tetapi minuman panas lebih baik berbanding minuman pada suhu bilik dalam melegakan gejala deman selesema begitu juga sakit tekak, demikian menurut common cold centre di university Cardiff United Kingdom.
Jadi selain minum air yang banyak, minum sedikit the panas atau air panas yang dicampur sedikit limau dan madu. Dan semestinya tiada yang menandingi keenakan sup ayam yang disediakan ibu ketika anda sakit. Sup ayam dikatakan mengandungi bahan anti-keradangan dan boleh membantu melegakan dan melancarkan laluaan lender menerusi hidung.

Menurut pakar, berkumur dengan air garam yang suam dapat membantu mengurangkan rasa sakit tekak dan membuat anda rasa lebih selesa. Caranya mudah saja, larutkan sesudu garam dalam segelas air suam. Cuba ulang berkumur setiap tiga hingga empat jam untuk kelegaan, sementara semuh sepenuhnya.

Sekiranya anak anda sukar tidur sepanjang malam kerana batuk, cuba suap sesudu madu. Kajian yang diterbitkan oleh Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine mencadangkan dengan memberi madu sebelm tidur dapat membantu menenagkan dan menurankan batuk anak anda dengan melegakan dan meyaluti tekak. Tapi ingat, elakkan memberi kepada anak berusia kurang setahun kerana risiko botulism.

Gunakan ubat titisan saline hidung bagi melawan hidung tersumbat dan bagi mengekalkan tisu rongga hidung sentiasa lembap. Cara ini juga selamat dan tidak menyakitkan untuk kanak-kanak.
Kajian yang dilakukan pengkaji dare Czechoslovakia mendapati kanak-kanak yang menggunakan titisan saline hidung berbanding ubat batuk dan selesema tidak kerap meninggalkan sekolah serta kurang mengalami gejala demam dan selesema berbanding mereka yang hanya menenerima ubat. Kajian di University of Wisconsin pula mendapati pencuci hidung dengan air garam juga dapat memperbaiki gejala alahan.

Demam selesema dan virus influenza lebih bertahan lama dalam keadaan yang kering. Penggunaan alat pelembap “cool-mist” dapat melawan udara kering dalam kediamaan yang boleh membawa kepada hidung tersumbat dan tekak yang gatal. Pastikan alat pelembap itu bebas dare bakteria atau kulat dengan menukar air setiap hari dan membersihkan unit berkenaan setiap tiga hari.

Saturday, September 28, 2013


rasanya sudah lama saya tak post kat blog ini....
sebagai update terbaru saya
saya dah pun melanjutkan pelajaran saya di Kolej Poly Tech MARA Kuala Lumpur
rasanya dah hampir 4 bulan dah kat KL....

Pertama sekali....saya merasa agak susah berjauhan dengan keluarga tetapi pengalaman lalu di asrama STK mengajar saya menjadi lebih matang dan yakin sekali tindak tanduk saya di sini tetapi walau puas saya tanam jiwa saya disini, saya tetap merindui yang jauh

sesat melihat pembangunan yang pesat disini....sesat mencari identiti yang mengambarkan siapa saya sebenarnya....sesat saya melihat gelagat manusia seperti robot....adakah aku seperti itu???


Appearance of Windows 8 and Mac OS X Mountain Lion
Windows 8
New Start Screen and the icons are in form of rectangles and squares. 
There are the new ‘Live Tiles’ these are actually live tiles which allows the user to know the notification of message or whatever the app is related with, can be seen in the tile itself and the user don’t have to open the app. The information will be displayed on the tile as a slideshow. 
The Windows 8 is made more colourful and pleasant by providing the Metro Style UI.

Mac OS X Mountain Lion
The Mac OS X Mountain Lion, the first view offers a typical and usual desktop. It has the traditional Mac Look.
The Apple has introduces LaunchPad. 
The apps are arranged like the grid in iPad and the apps are condensed to icons

App Market for Windows 8 and Mac OS X Mountain Lion

Mac's OS X Mountain Lion
The availability of apps is better and are properly categorised the apps according to their type and enables to buy or download the app with a single click. 

The Windows Store
Faces a shortage of apps. Although the apps are limited, the store is so smartly and attractively designed. 
It offers a unique feature. That is, the Windows Store enables the user to actually try out the app for a limited period, before we have to pay for it. 

Cloud Storage Of Windows 8 and Mac OS X Mountain Lion

Mac does this through iCloud. 
It has enables the user to gain access to the documents, game-centre profiles, even apps by just providing a single user-id and password. It comes with a single log-in feature.

Microsoft windows
Microsoft syncs the data through SkyDrive. 
It allows the user to access the apps probably anywhere and claims that the SkyDrive will be the most powerful personal cloud storage available. 
It follows a flexible approach that the user can get additional paid storage and can grow it as the user wants.

File Management and Touch UI in Windows 8 and Mac OS X Mountain Lion

Mac OS X Mountain Lion
The Finder app is provided for excellent file searching and customisation. 
It automatically sorts out the results of the search according to its name, type, creation date etc. And while talking about the touch interference of the Mac OSX Mount. Lion, 
Its clear that they are not much interested in touchscreen PCs. But the Apple scores some by providing the built-in Track-Pad in Mac Books. 
The Magic Track Pad is also available for performing some useful gestures, which is an optional accessory. And while taking the track pad, even if it makes some difficulties for the first timers, it gets the job done easily.

Windows 8
In Windows 8, the user don't want to look for dedicated apps for file searching and customisation. 
Simply start typing on the screen from the Start Screen. And quickly the search results will come from the right of the screen.
Its file search capability has upgraded to maximum and even shows results from Facebook and Twitter. 
While considering the Touch UI, it is clear that the Windows 8 is so smartly designed for both touch and normal use.
The LiveTile will act as a perfect platform to the TouchUI.
It's on screen keyboard is designed to be more finger friendly and responses are made even faster. It is facilitated with gesture recognition and also has palm rejection features.

Minimum System Requirements for Windows 8 and Mac OS X Mountain Lion

Windows 8 
It is expected to have same system requirements as the previous Windows 7.
Processor : 1 GHz or higher with 32-bit or 64-bit processor
RAM : 1 GB for 32-bit and 2 GB for 64-bit.
HDD Space : 16 GB for 32-bit and 20 GB for 64-bit.

Mac OS X Mountain Lion
Processor : 64-bit Intel Core 2 Duo processor or better
RAM : 2 GB
HDD space : 8 GB of available space
Advanced GPU chipset required, Internet connection required to download and install.

Other Features Of Windows 8 and Mac OSX Mount. Lion
Windows 8
Windows 8 comes with another cool feature which is called Windows TO GO option. 
It really functions as a backup that it enables the user to copy all the system settings including documents, notes, apps even wallpapers directly into a Flash Drive. 
The user's PC settings can be easily retrieved, just by plugging it into a Windows 8 loaded system and by this feature even the Start Screen remains the same as the User's.

Mac OS X Mountain Lion
A cool feature is also available in Mac OSX Mount. Lion it is called Power Nap. 
It is a cool feature that will surely draw many people towards the Mount. Lion. 
This feature automatically updates the user's documents and integrated apps and is able to make back-ups completely remaining online. 
During this process neither the CPU wakes up nor the CPU fans. It’s a complete silent process, that won't wake up the User too.

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